Monday, June 7, 2010

Of This Blog or the Strength of Hind-Sight Bias

This blog is dedicated to my financially illiterate father and my own miserly nature. It is a description, nay a celebration of and about how I like to save money and optimise or minimise expenditure. I take great pride in my propensity to scrounge and find ways to cut cost in my personal life. Whether this is due to - a lack of sufficient income or an inherent nature or a learned behaviour from circumstances or a combination of all - I am not sure.

The insults the hypocritical hypercritical elders of my tribe and my pater rained on me when I was called a miser, a jew, shylock etc despite not recieving any pocket money from him and not being allowed to work to earn my money when I was underage, made me unsure of myself for a while. As I ponder over the true nature of my fiscal personality, I am still not sure if the lack of pocket money benefitted or harmed me as the subsequent blogs will illustrate.

By "underage" I mean < "legal age to work" and/or < "an age considered acceptable to start working" in the social circles I was born into.

The term "pocket money" is a nebulous concept in itself but my perception is that I have had far less than my friends who were the children of parents who earned or possessed far less than my own.

The title of this post is inspired from this treatise by Baruch Spinoza. Here I have imitated Maugham who named his masterpiece along similar lines.

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